Aquamarine Healing Crystals

So how can Aquamarine Help me?

Aquamarine healing crystals and how they can help you.

Aquamarine is a gorgeous healing crystal that is from the Beryl family. You can find it in stunning shades of blue as well as sea foam greens.

It has highly protective energy that you can tap into when travelling to give you a sense of peace and protection during times of anxiety and high stress. Very handy when dealing with travelling in locations you feel anxious about. I carry one with me when I am travelling in parts of the world with a lot of highway traffic.

As an artist, Aquamarine can help you work with your Throat Chakra energies to learn how to speak your inner thoughts with more clarity and confidence. You have the inner power to express yourself. When working with public speaking, keep a piece with your inner strength and confidence when giving your presentation.

Aquamarine is a gentle partner when learning who to love who you are in this very moment and give yourself the opportunity to let go of negativity and be at peace with your life. At Wicked Stones we also carry a beautiful selection of healing crystals for self-love and care practices which you can find by clicking on this link: