Free Meditation exercise, plus a downloadable printable for your journal.

I like freebies! So I’ve created one that I have found super helpful and decided to share it with you. It’s simple, clean and easy to use and doesn’t take up a lot of ink from your printer as it’s black ink only. 
Are you looking for a way to reduce stress, improve your focus, and connect with your inner self? If so, meditation may be the answer for you. Meditation is a simple yet powerful practice that has been shown to have a number of benefits for both physical and mental health. 

In this blog that you can read by following this link, I will share with you a quick and easy meditation you can do. I will also provide you with a free download printable to help you with your daily journaling practice.

Here’s just a few really handy affirmation links you can use as a preview:

Here’s a few affirmation prompts for abundance:

1. I am worthy of that which I desire
2. I believe in myself
3. My abundance comes from an infinite source
4. I attract miracles into my life
5. I attract abundance into my life
6. Abundance flows to me with great ease
7. I release resistance to allowing money and wealth into my life
8. I live an abundance life
9. Every day I attract that which I need to me
10. My life is full of abundant opportunities
11. Today I will be prosperous

You can find more helpful affirmations plus a mini mediation ritual you can use on our website.

Lots of healing energy to you!

Click here to view the ritual.

Aquamarine Healing Crystals

So how can Aquamarine Help me?

Aquamarine healing crystals and how they can help you.

Aquamarine is a gorgeous healing crystal that is from the Beryl family. You can find it in stunning shades of blue as well as sea foam greens.

It has highly protective energy that you can tap into when travelling to give you a sense of peace and protection during times of anxiety and high stress. Very handy when dealing with travelling in locations you feel anxious about. I carry one with me when I am travelling in parts of the world with a lot of highway traffic.

As an artist, Aquamarine can help you work with your Throat Chakra energies to learn how to speak your inner thoughts with more clarity and confidence. You have the inner power to express yourself. When working with public speaking, keep a piece with your inner strength and confidence when giving your presentation.

Aquamarine is a gentle partner when learning who to love who you are in this very moment and give yourself the opportunity to let go of negativity and be at peace with your life. At Wicked Stones we also carry a beautiful selection of healing crystals for self-love and care practices which you can find by clicking on this link:

How to use Crystals to reduce Stress

A Quick Meditation Guide Using Crystals

I wish a had a magic wand that would allow me to say, “STRESS BE GONE!” and I could wave it and “WHOMP!” I’d feel the anxiety, worry and stress wash away from me.

Sadly, I’ve not created that yet. But I can get close with the use of healing crystals. It’s not an instant fix. Healing emotions takes work and intention to make the changes you seek. Crystals partner with those intentions to allow you to work with their energies to find a sense of balance and calm.

So how do I do that???? You might be asking.

How to meditate with healing crystals. A tutorial from Wicked Stones

First, you need to discover a crystal. There are SO many out there, so it can be daunting at times to be able to pick the right one. If you don’t already have a favourite book or website you use, feel free to check out my site at Wicked Stones where I have a list of healing crystals and their healing properties. Read up on the healing properties and see how you feel inside. Is there a type of stone or a colour that is calling to you? That just feels right? Then follow that path to see where it leads.

Once you have your crystal, it’s time to work with it. I’m jumping ahead a few steps here as there are going to be more posts on how to cleanse your gemstones and connect with it. An effective way of dealing with stressful situations, moods and situations, is to use breathing techniques for calmness while having your crystal with you. You may be wearing it around your neck or holding it in the palm of your hands. It depends on your unique crystal. Find a quiet place that you can sit and spend time alone without being disturbed for a period of time.

Steps for calming your thoughts:

  1. Find a place where there are few distractions – you can even choose to go to your car if you have one just to find a bit of peace.
  2. Turn off or mute your phone. Don’t worry, it wont be for long.
  3. Hold your crystal in the palm of your hand OR if it’s a jewelry piece, ensure you are touching it.
  4. Find a comfortable position.
  5. Take a few moments to bring about a state of relaxation by taking a deep breath through your nose, expanding your lungs and diaphragm.
  6. Hold the breath for a few seconds.
  7. Slowly exhale through your mouth. Do this several times until you feel relaxed.
  8. As you are breathing, allow the energy from the crystal to align with you and give you a touch point to focus on.
  9. Feel the stone’s energy (calming flows, soothing, stability or whatever the crystal you are using helps you with). Allow it to align with your intentions as you breathe in and out. For worry, anxiety and stress, allow the crystal’s calming vibrations to flow through you and release the negative energy.
  10. Continue to breathe and visualize this calm energy flowing through you.
  11. If you sense negative energy coming to the surface in your thoughts, try to visualize this energy as a colour or shape and allow it to flow out of you and gently into the ground. Give it time to flow from you as you no longer need it to support your intention of peace.
  12. Try to do this for at least five minutes to release tension.
  13. When you are done, take a moment to rest before getting up. Too quickly, and your balance may be off. Open your eyes and bring your breathing back to normal.
  14. A quick tip to help restore balance before standing up, is to put the palms of your hand on the ground and release the energy you have been working with and say “thank you for your help.” Think of tree roots and how they reach into the ground and allow anything excess you don’t need to support you in your calmer mood, to go back to the earth.
  15. Wait until you feel a bit more alert and ready to continue on with your day.

 You can find peace.  You can embrace serenity and calm.  Release that which no longer is helping you.

Crystals for worry, stress and anxiety at Wicked Stones in Canada

Yule Christmas Sale

Here’s just a small tiny post.. a shout out… to let everyone know that I’m having a Yule Christmas sale for the next few weeks on my website.

You’ll perhaps discover a gorgeous crystal or handcrafted healing gemstone jewelry peice or a gift for someone who would love to work with a healing stone or wear a piece of one of a kind jewelry.

Cheers everyone and thank you!

Clicky Clicky here to be instantly whisked to Wicked Stones.

Crystals for Meditation – Amethyst

Amethyst is a beautiful crystal to work with when you need to find your centre during times of stress and anxiety. Learn to let go and trust your instincts. To feel protected and calm.

Manifest your deepest desires and stay focused as you meditate towards your goal.

Amethyst healing crystals for protection and courage at Wicked Stones in Canada.

Find your healing crystal or crystal jewelry at Wicked Stones in Canada.

A Guide to using Calming and Relaxation Crystals.

Today I woke up tired.

The cats had me up.  The humidity was awful. I just woke up cranky and needing several cups of Java to pick me up.

Had I been thinking? I might have reached over and tucked a piece of Rutile Quartz under my pillow last night.

Rutile Quartz healing crystal by wicked stones in Canada

So what’s a Rutile Quartz and why do I want to use it?

Rutile quartz crystals have a very calming effect on the mind.  They allow you to tap into your intentions of relaxation and feel calmer.  They are super great for when stress is getting to you and you just need to remember to relax and breath – one, two three, I CAN DO THIS!  This is one of many types of relaxation and calming crystals that I have available on my website. Feel free to click here if you’d like to see more.

Let’s dispel a myth for a second here:  Crystals are not instant fixes. You can’t just put one on and go AH, see? Now I’m better! They can, however, work quickly, if you have used them before and are in the habit of how to connect with their energies.  I’d love to tell you that you can tuck one under your pillow and WHAMMO BLAMMO you have instant sleep! But, you do need to work a bit with the stone first.

Step 1:  Sit with your crystal and look at it.  This is called “getting to know” your crystal or “connecting with it”.  Roll it in your hands, look at it, touch it.  Really look at it and discover its beauty, it’s nooks and crannies, its faults or bumps.  This is your new companion as you start your new journey.

Step 2:  Tell the crystal what you want it to do for you.  This is called “charging” your stone.  You are announcing to yourself, the universe and to the crystal that this is its job.  For Rutile Quartz, announce (tell, charge) the stone by saying something like this:  “You are going to help me to relax.  You are going to help me to let go of my busy thoughts.  When I hold you in my hands, I WILL feel relaxed.  I will be able to let go of my thoughts. I CAN relax. I can put away my busy thoughts!”  (Use whatever words you feel are right.) Do this every day for a while.  Pick a time where your day is quiet and you won’t be interrupted for a few moments.  If you meditate, you can do this at the same time.

Step 3:  Relax.  Put your stone where it’s going to be kept at night (under your pillow, while you are wearing it, etc) and let your mind accept that this is your new partner, friend or companion with your goals.  Now and then during the day, think about your stone and how it’s going to be there for you when you need it.  If you are wearing it? Touch it now and then and remember for a few seconds that this crystal is going to help you when you are going through some tough times ahead.  It is powerful. It is strong and it will be there for you.

Step 4: When needing to relax, use your crystal.  Hold it in your hands, touch it, stroke it and know that it can help you to relax and let go of busy thoughts (if this is the case).  As you are doing this say in your mind (or out loud if you’d like) something like: “I am relaxing. I am calm.… I am going to let go of my thoughts that bother me.”  And whenever those busy thoughts get to you? Try the same thing.  After a while you will feel the connection between your crystal and how it works with you knowing you are focusing your intentions and using the crystals energy to help you.

Does this always work?

This technique works with a LOT of people as you are making a change with your mind to alter your thought patterns (when it come to relaxation for example). But not everyone will be successful.  There may be outside influences or chemistry in the body that just doesn’t allow for some changes to be made.

There is no set time limit on how long it will take for you to be able to access the healing crystal’s energy. It may be immediate or it may take you longer time.  Some individuals are very connected to the energy around them and will feel the effects sooner, while others struggle with accepting that a “stone” can help them at all. I have had clients who have immediately been drawn to a crystal and known that “THIS IS THE ONE! YES!”  I’ve talked to others who just didn’t get it at all.  “Its a stone man… a rock.  Period. End of story.”  And that’s okay.  Some individuals just are not able to connect with this type of healing and need their own style of relaxation techniques.  If this is the case for you? Perhaps you have a friend who could use your crystal.  All it needs is a little cleansing and it’s good to move on to it’s new home.

Wicked Stones Healing crystal
Relax, have an awesome day.


Wicked Stones

How to use a Crystal for Meditation – The sounds of OM

Tibet healing crystal from Wicked Stones

Once and a while I find these awesome beauties in my collection.  What you are seeing is a gorgeous natural crystal from Tibet.  Tibet crystals are really powerful if you are looking for something that can help you attune to OM vibrations.

Okay now that this is aside, why do “I” want to use a crystal that attunes to the OM vibration? Let’s look into that.

Tibet Om Crystals by Wicked Stones

First, what’s an OM?

Om is a Mantra (a sound, or a vibration to make things sound easier) that is traditionally chanted during certain points in your meditation or yoga practices.  This Mantra (or sound) is said to have a very high creative and spiritual power to help with your healing intentions.

Let’s practice!  How do I say this word? 

It actually sounds like the letters A U M put together.  Here’s a fabulous video so that you can hear this sound:

Try this:  Say the word AWWWEEEEEEE and feel it from the back of your throat.  Really pull the sound deep from within you.  Then say OOOOOOOO by making the sound in the upper part of your mouth.  Then feel your lips closer together saying MMMMMM (like you just tasted something incredible.)

Alright, now you have that. So WHY do I want to do that?

Think about our Earth.  Everything is moving. It’s vibrating. It’s energy. It’s pulsating and electrical and there is so much happening that you can’t actually see.   Chanting the OM Mantra is connecting to that universal natural energies around you.  Here’s a few reasons why you might want to do such a thing:

  • Helps you with your own self healing power
  • Relaxation
  • Concentration and focus
  • It is said to purify the area around you and even the people around you as the vibrations spread
  • Creation of positive energy and vibrations
  • Helps with relaxation (dealing with stress! Who doesn’t need THAT?)
  • Helps you to think clearer and make decisions (helps you to relax and overactive mind and thoughts so you can see answers to your questions)

When working with crystals (such as these) you can help attune your crystals with your intentions while meditating and chanting OM.  Especially helpful if you are working with a particular crystal that goes hand in hand with OM energy.

Now this is only scratching the surface of working with Mantras, chanting and meditation.  There’s a lot you can learn to help you along your own personal healing journey from teachers, friends and even books and videos on self help.  It’s a positive step to work with your own personal healing energies so matter what items you choose to work with (crystals, tools etc).

A little joy is always a blessing 🙂

Have an awesome day today.

Wicked Stones – Healing Crystals and Jewelry in Ontario Canada.

How to give Healing Crystals for you Pet


As humans, we sometimes forget that our pets feel stress.  They get emotional, upset and overwhelmed with life.  Just as we use healing crystals for ourselves, we can impart some of this to our cats and dogs as well.

So how do they work?

Inherently, crystals offer emotional support and healing to the wearer. But also, you can add your intentions and good vibes (or feelings) to the stone yourself and then give them as a gift to your cat or dog.  Each type of crystal has it’s own type of healing properties.

Please note: crystals do not replace proper veterinary health care.  The use of crystals goes hand in hand with the proper care that your doctor suggests for your four legged friend.  They are companions in their care and should never EVER replace the advice of your pet’s healthcare doctors.

So how do I do that?


It’s a very easy thing to do and here are a few steps you can follow.  And honestly, there are no rules to this, you can do whatever feels right to you.

  1.  When your crystal arrives, cleanse the stone if you wish.  This removes any residual energy that the crystal may have picked up on its journey to you.
  2. Take the time to touch the stone after you have cleansed it.  Hold it in your hands and let it warm up to your skin temperature.
  3. Close your eyes and visualize the healing properties you wish to see the crystal help your pet with.  Don’t just do this for a second, take a minute or two and tell the crystal what you would like it to do for your pet.
  4. When you feel you are finished, add the crystal to your pet’s collar and spend time with your pet visualizing the healing properties working in tandem with your pet’s care to help them to feel better.

Healing crystals for pets

It’s really important to note that crystals are companions along your pet’s life journey.  Just like they are for you, they are there for emotional support when you need them.  Sometimes? The universe has other plans for our four legged friends and they are only meant to be with us for short periods of time.  But during that time, perhaps your gift can help them through the tough spots and also help them to feel your love in times of stress.

Something good to note, crystals are fragile and with very active pets they can be damaged quickly.  If you are going to follow along a journey of having one for your loved one, it’s always good to enter into this knowing and understanding that this is a possible outcome.  Over the years of working with humans to help their cats and dogs, there is more of a trend that crystals go missing on dogs than cats.

May your pet’s life be long and healthy!

Crystal for Dealing with Emotional Situations. Agatized Coral.

Every day we deal with emotions.  Some of them good, some of them stressful. Some of them are downright hair pulling madness!

When life tosses you troubles, look perhaps to Agatized Coral for a helpful healing crystal.

Agatized Coral for life changes by wicked stones

Agatized Coral for life changes

It’s a neat way that this crystal was formed.  Many millions of years ago (like 30!) this was a piece of Coral living out it’s life in the Sea.  Along came Father Time and the clocked ticked away.  Silica in the ocean water hardened and replaced the coral with Chalcedony.  And then one day, this crystal came into our lives.  So there’s a lot of interesting history to your crystal.  (The link on the image above goes to my website, if I have these in stock you can find them there.)

Agatized Coral can help you when you are dealing with emotions.  They are especially helpful if this involves family members and arguments or other personal relationships.  It’s sometimes hard to keep your cool.  You can use this as a touch stone to remind you that you can stay focused and safe from the negative energies flying around you.

If this beauty is still in stock, you can find it by clicking here.


Find the courage to be yourself! Carnelian crystal healing

Change can be scary – but on the other hand? Change can also be exciting and full of awesome adventures.

During life transitions, reach for a crystal that can help empower you to move forward with positive and helpful energy.

Carnelian is one of those crystals that can help you to embrace changes and begin new phases of your life on your own terms and by being yourself, FULLY!

You can trust your own instincts and overcome negative conditioning and let your true inner self shine like the sun.

Using Carnelian helps you to feel protected and grounded while also empowered with energy the motivation to push through things.

Open yourself up to welcome abundance and energy and you can really grow and change.  It’s also a great partner for those who are artistic or if you are working with your Sacral Chakra. Working with this charka helps you to be open to change and to trust your instincts as you go through experiences in life.

Carnelian’s colour is natural, that gorgeous orange you see is straight from Mother Nature’s paint brush.  It’s vibrancy is hard to ignore and it’s light energy is one that is amazing to work with.

Carnelian is a great crystal choice to add to your collection.


